I opine it is absolutely very important in life to take time and understand in which direction we are heading. If not, it becomes very mechanical and static. I feel that most of the times we live the life so unconsciously and never enjoy our short stay on this planet. We cannot travel on the highway of life forever. One day we need to take an exit that never joins into this highway again.

Walking with myself in the company of nature, I dive into the deep ocean of thoughts of my mind. I see there is intense traffic and chaos. I need some filter to control this incoming flow and choose what is important. That is where one’s inner voice comes to picture. I feel we can hear the inner voice only when one is spending time with oneself and try to understand what is going on in life. Every person is guided by two things, mind and heart. When we are in the unconscious mode, we are often guided by mind. And when we are quietly walking with our shadow, we tend to hear our heart. Especially when it comes to taking some important decisions in life, I understand never should we listen to our mind. Mind stores everything that we see and hear in the world. And everything we see and hear is an abstraction and there is no real truth in that and no one knows what is the reality.  But the heart is the one that communicates with the soul of nature and nature always guides in the path we want to head. So, we will never go wrong.

                              “Journey of life is to manifest the inner beauty of oneself “.

–   Nikhil


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