Time is very fundamental in our lives. It is the one, which takes us in forward direction. I always wondered if the time is really the part of creation or something our mind is tricked with. I read articles and watched videos online to understand its origin and how it plays crucial role in the ephemeral life like humans. I am finally convinced that time is actually an Illusion. But then I thought, can I prove it ?

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Let us start with understanding what is Motion. Motion is essentially a physical object[Living or Non-Living] X moving from point A to point B. The point A is different from point B only when there is some distance between those points. Distance here is nothing but space between two points. So, when we see or imagine object X moving from point A to B, we feel that something is ticking forward. That moving forward is what our mind considers as time. Because there is some space, X can move from point A to B. Otherwise, there is no possibility of motion and hence no feeling of time as well.

There could be a counter argument saying space is real since we can see it and move an object in it, so time could also be real. May be it is some higher dimension entity which we feel it but cannot see or touch it. But here, thing to consider is not space but motion. If there is no motion of any object at all, even though space exists, could we still feel the time is the question.

Let us do a small experiment to justify the fact that motion of the object is what making us feel time, even though time does not seems to exist really in my opinion. We know the fact that our earth rotates around it own axis and at the same time it revolves around the Sun. Let us say Earth does not have its own rotation and it does not revolve around the Sun. Basically Earth is at some static position. Do you still feel the time now ?

May be we can go bit deeper. There might still be some objects moving inside the earth, like birds flying, rivers flowing, clouds moving etc. Due to this we might still feel time exists, because you see objects moving around you. Let us stop these motions as well, birds are at same place, rivers frozen and clouds at static place. Do you still feel the time now ?

Lets us make our experiment more simpler in case above mentioned is hard to imagine. Enter a dark empty room and sit in the middle of it without doing anything. Essentially you should not be able to see anything around you [close your eyes too if needed]. Now you still know that you are alive but you do not see motion around you. Do you feel the time now ? Try this out.

After doing all the above, I am convinced that feeling of time is only due to the motion around us. If nothing moves, there is no feeling of time. Since in our creation of the world and in all the celestial objects, motion is intrinsically present in some or other way, I feel we are fooled in our minds about the passage of the entity called time.

When an object X moved from point A to B and will move to C. Here we say A is past, B is present and C is the future. So the past, present and future are just an illusion and so is the time, caused by motion in space.

Time is Illusion because of motion

I am not sure if I was able to put my thoughts clearly but hope that at least this article helps you to dive deeper in understanding the time.

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