I always questioned what I want to achieve and become in life. Many times answers to the questions keep changing in my mind. As my life journey continues, I thought maybe I should have a single mission.

Also, what is the purpose of achieving something in life? Maybe satisfaction or helping someone. But what is the driving force to do it? As humanity, today we are helping each other in different ways and working together to extend our living here on Earth. With so much happening on earth, I feel most of us forget the beauty of existence and do not ask questions about what is beyond it. I say that because in just a matter of time everything perishes and no one will even know what existed on earth. And maybe even the kind of earth we see today existed.

” Everything that we see on this planet will evaporate with no signs of our existence. The question is not about if it will happen but when it is going to happen. “

That brings my thoughts to our neighboring planet Mars which is like Earth some long time ago. Do we know what happened to it or did something exist on it before? No, we do not. But We are in pursuit of knowing it. Thanks to NASA space org which is constantly pushing the boundaries to know the truth of Mars. But the reality is our fate is the same as planet Mars. The earth we live on today which is full of life is going to become silent and motionless someday in the distant future.

To me, that feeling of we already know the future of our planet and if I can contribute something to becoming interplanetary species and wanderers in space brings an adrenaline rush. I still do not know the path to it and only time will tell.

I want to end this post with the nice boarding pass NASA created for Mars fans for future Missions. I registered one for myself.

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