Our life in the grand stage of the cosmos is a temporary one. Nobody knows what is the source of creation who designed this contract. We call this unknown source with the word ‘God’.

There are many questions that we can ask about creation like whether we are controlled by someone, do we have any purpose on this planet, and many more. But at this point in writing this post, I definitely feel I am in control and typing what is in my mind.

The interesting part of creation from my observation so far is everything in this cosmos seems to be transient in nature from living things to planets, stars galaxies. One day all will change their state. Everything moves from one state to another state. But somehow our mind is stubborn in accepting this fact of transientness and that one day everyone has to leave and do not know what happens after that. To me, this is the challenge that is to be accepted and once we can convince ourselves, I am confident we can touch the dimension of creation and lead a better version of life.

So given that life is transient, we are present on this planet together with a set of people, where any person’s time can end abruptly at any time. The real meaning of this is experienced only when someone in our closer circle is no more present. But the same challenge remains that my mind does not accept that I am transient and that someday there is an end.

I am planning on doing this small experiment to convince myself of the transientness of life. Let us say, from today if I can live up to 45 years and if I can consider the unit of time as day, I would have (45 * 365) days, ignoring leap years for simplicity. That is equal to 16425 days (best case). I will have this somewhere may be on a mobile notes app or a sheet of paper and start decrementing this every day. I will see if this helps in convincing the mind about transient life and will help me spend my energy on things that I think matter to me in this lifetime.

-Nikhil Kumar Mengani

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