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It’s the end of 2023 and beginning of new year 2024. It is an opportunity to reflect what went well and what doesn’t. Over the years I learnt reflections are the best way to optimize one’s life. Based on events that happened and given the current situation, what is the best possible and probable things we can do to be the best version. This is pretty much similar to Bayes Theorem maybe not exactly the same.

Year 2023 was a sine wave of time filled with highs and lows for me. It taught me great lessons in a hard way of how important it is take care of the body, how it is crucial to win as a team and be a propeller. The more I move forward in my life, more I feel the urgency to make the most of every situation in life.

Entering 2024, I do not want to remember the situations in particular happened in 2023 which pulled me down a bit but never want to forget the lessons learnt. In this new year, I want to take ‘Growth Mindset’ as my theme. Adapting and learning new things fast in the fast changing AI world will be critical. This youtube video summed it up very well on this subject. It is talks about how the mindset plays crucial role in the marathons. In a way, life is a marathon in human definition of time however it is negligible in cosmic definition of time.

Wish every one a great and prosperous 2024 !!


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